How to Build Your Future-Proof, Privacy-First Advertising Data Strategy

To deliver better customer experiences and business outcomes, a new data foundation is required to enable data sharing across organizations while taking a proactive stance on privacy and protecting consumer data.

In this session, from our AWAdvance video series, hear from Snowflake about the Media Data Cloud, one of the first networks of its kind that connects brands, publishers, agencies and technology on one secure platform.


  • 03:51 – 06:30 – The need for more data collaboration and transparency
  • 06:31 – 08:43 – What are the key data capabilities that are critical for future success
  • 08:44 – 10:47 – A data clean room
  • 10:49 – 14:52 – A customer who is leveraging the media data cloud
  • 14:53 – 16:34 – Taboo and Experian’s joint solutions
  • 16:51 – 16:57 – Hubble and connectivity
  • 16:57 – 19:44 – Creating a new clean room
  • 19:44 – 22:19 – The Snowflake Question Framework
  • 22:19 – 24:46 – The challenges media organizations face when it comes to identity resolution
  • 24:57 – 26:12 – The Media Data Cloud
  • 26:13 – 32:52 – The data governance features that make Snowflake a best in class solution

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