Allyship in Advertising

We explore how Instagram is a powerful vehicle for all creators to expand their reach – including creators of color, who often struggle to receive the recognition they deserve.


  • 00:58 – 06:27 – What is the definition of a creator?
  • 06:27 – 12:14 – The creator economy and the evolving business model
  • 12:15 – 16:45 – What is the biggest issue with platforms like Facebook and Instagram?
  • 16:45 – 19:07 – Why prioritize business content over personal content?
  • 19:07 – 25:42 – How do you allow creators to build their livelihoods via these platforms while still seeing a value exchange?
  • 25:42 – 39:18 – The next evolution of the creator economy
  • 39:18 – 42:00 – What are the best tools for creators?
  • 42:00 – 45:29 – How do you approach finding and identifying influencers in international markets?
  • 45:29 – 54:15 – What metrics should creators have at their ready as they start to position themselves to brands
  • 54:15 – 59:50 – How do you get noticed as a creator?

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